RPH Sains Tahun 3

Tarikh           : 29-10-2012 ( Selasa  )                                    Masa  : 30 minit
Kelas            : 3F                                                                    Bil Pelajar : 36
M/Pel           : Science
Tajuk           : Magnets
Objektif      :  1.3 Pupils should learn that magnets can attract some materials.
Pengetahuan sedia ada  :     Pupils had been seeing some magnetic objects .
Konsep  : Magnets can attract some materials
Bahan    : Magnets, text book,  plastic spoon, steel spoon, thumb-tack, ion nail, one sen                     coin, rubber band, glass marble, cotton handkerchief
Nilai      :        1. Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
2. Being responsible about the safety of themself, others, and the environment
3. Be Cooperative
Kemahiran   : Creative Thinking Skill -      Generating Idea
-          Relating
-          Making inferences
                        Science Prosess Skills  -     Experimenting
-          Communicating


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3 minit
Unit 3

Lesson 3 :
Magnets can attract some materials.
-Teacher  show  a magic to pupils.
-Teacher put a magnet under a box.  A toy car can move itself on the box’s surface.
-Teacher ask:        Why the toy car move itself?
-Pupils look at the magic show.
-Pupils observed and answer: Because  the magnet under the box make the toy’s car move.
Ask and answer

Langkah 1
(10 minit)

Langkah 2
( 8 minit )

Langkah 3
( 5 minit )

-Teacher  explain how it works.


-Teacher  move the  magnets under the box.

Teacher shows some object that made of different materials for activity .e.g. wooden spoon, steel spoon, plastic spoon and silver spoon

-Teacher want the pupil to predict which object will be attracted by a magnet.

- Teacher carry out the experiment   in front of the class.

-Teacher asked pupil to read out the result.

- Teacher list out some magnetic objects and non-magnetic objects and ask pupils state the objects that are attracted by magnets.
-Teacher discuss the answer.

-Pupils observe what happens.

-Pupils explore a variety of  object made from different materials.
-Pupils are asked to predict which object will be attract and which are not.

-Pupils  observe  the experiment and know  that some objects are attracted by magnets. Some are not.

- Pupils compare the prediction they do before and the finding .

-Pupils  come out to state.

-Pupils read out the answer.






( 4 minit )

-  Teacher make a conclusion.
-Teacher  give  worksheet to student to finish.

- Pupils read the conclusion.
- Pupils finish  the worksheet that teacher given.

Reflection: At the end of the lesson, pupils should learn that magnets can attract some material. They also can list out the materials that can attract by magnet. Pupils can do the worksheet themselves.

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